Posted on April 11, 2018, 2:36 pm By Admin
Have had a few requests for this recently so here it is.
If votes for immediate don’t get a majority (Over 50%) they’ll be rolled into the votes for BP wipe at end of month.
Facepunch has not enforced a BP wipe in several months, this would force that event. (Though if they force a BP wipe again next month you’ll have to start over twice.)
Should we have a forced (non-Facepunch) Blueprint Wipe?
- Yes. Immediate. (This wipes map too.) (72%, 13 Votes)
- Yes, but only with the next map wipe. (28%, 5 Votes)
- No unscheduled/unenforced wipes please! (0%, 0 Votes)
Total Voters: 18

Due to overwhelming popularity and the FP forced update, the vote has been closed.
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